Monday, February 16, 2009

Almost Finally Crawling

Baby M seems very strong and rolled over around 4 months but she is by far the slowest to crawl and she still doesn't really sit up unassisted. She has been rocking on her hands and knees for weeks...if not months and does get around the house by doing a combination of rolling around and pulling herself along on her belly. It is pretty funny to watch. I don't mind her reluctance to go mobile at all! I wish time would slow down so I could enjoy her babyhood a bit more.

I am nervous that after all this procrastinating...she'll just jump up and start walking one of these days. How is it possible that she is almost 11 months?


MemaSteffi said...

What a sweet little face on M. She is very interested in seeing everything in her little world.

MemaSteffi said...

M was crawling all over my house last weekend. She has an unique style. I love it and her! Come back soon.